Please note: This notice is specifically for an internal project.
Looking for Honeywell's public-facing privacy statement? View it here.

Data Privacy Notice
This Data Privacy Notice (“Privacy Notice”) gives you more detailed information about our processing of your personal information in relation to the Materials.
Honeywell International, Inc and the local Honeywell entity that employs you (together, “we” or “Honeywell”) will be the “controller” of personal information we hold about you in connection with the Materials. We are committed to complying with worldwide data privacy laws.
  1. What personal information will we collect from you?
We will collect identified or identifiable information like your face or voice where it features in photographs, videos and /or audio if/when you voluntarily record, submit or upload a video to be published in Honeywell’s internal/external websites (mainly Honeywell’s career site but also Yammer, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media sites), internal/ external publications and in other promotional materials. We may also display your name and/or job title together with the Materials.

  1. What sensitive personal information will we collect from you?
Your personal information such as images, video and audio may be considered to be biometric data and/or sensitive personal information under applicable privacy and data protection laws which will require Honeywell to obtain your explicit consent for processing. Please do not submit any Materials to Honeywell if you do not consent explicitly to Honeywell collecting and using this sensitive personal information.
  1. How will we use your personal information?
We will use your personal information to promote Honeywell recruitment opportunities by offering a realistic job preview featuring Honeywell employees to show applicants what it is like to work at Honeywell. ("Purpose"), on our internal/external websites (mainly Honeywell career sites, but may also include Yammer, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media sites), internal/ external publications and in other promotional materials.
  1. What is Honeywell’s legal basis for processing my personal information?
Certain jurisdictions require Honeywell to have a legal basis for processing personal information. Our legal basis for collecting and using the personal information as described in this Privacy Notice will be your explicit consent (which we collect through the consent and release form provided to you prior to processing your personal information). You may withdraw your consent at any time by submitting a request through our data subject request portal at or sending us an email to  or via HR Help.
In order to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request, we may disclose your personal information to local and foreign regulatory authorities, local and foreign health ministry/governmental departments and other third parties.
In order to protect the vital interests of any person, or exercise, establish or defend our legal rights, we may also disclose your personal information where we believe it necessary, as permitted by law.
  1. With whom will we share / disclose your personal information?
In order to fulfil the Purpose, we may share your personal information with:
  1. Honeywell group entities. We may share your personal information with other group entities in jurisdictions around the world for internal administrative purposes or as reasonably necessary for the Purpose.
  2. Service providers. We may share your personal information with third-party services providers that have been contracted to provide services on our behalf, such as video production companies and/or website content developers.
  3. Other third parties. Your personal information (i.e. image, voice, name and job title) will be publicly disclosed on our internal/external global websites (mainly in our career website, but may also include Yammer, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media sites), internal/ external publications and in other promotional materials.
  1. Where will we store / host your personal information?
The recipients of your personal information may be in countries other than where you reside. For instance, your personal information will be transferred to and stored/hosted on our servers in the United States. However, Honeywell will always take reasonable steps to protect your privacy and to provide a level of protection of personal information that is comparable to that of your country of residence which include implementing the European Commission's Standard Contractual Clauses. Information about the intragroup data transfer agreement and the countries that Honeywell may transfer your data to can be provided upon request.
As explained above, since the Materials will be publicly disclosed in or internal/external global websites, publications or in other promotional materials, your personal information will be transferred globally. Please do not submit any Materials to Honeywell if you do not explicitly consent to these international transfers.
  1. For how long will we retain your personal information?
Your personal information will be stored in accordance with applicable laws and no longer than is necessary to fulfil the Purpose. Generally, this means your personal information will be retained until the end or your employment or assignment with us plus a reasonable period of time thereafter to respond to employment inquiries or legal matters. For more information on the relevant timeframes or criteria used to determine the timeframes, please read Honeywell's Records Management Schedule.
  1. Security and confidentiality
Honeywell maintains, and requires its third parties, to maintain appropriate measures to protect the security and confidentiality of your personal information.
  1. What rights do you have in relation to the personal information which we collect from you?
Depending on applicable law, you may have certain rights with respect to your personal information.
  1. You may have the right to access, correct, update or request deletion of your personal information;
  2. You can object to the processing of your personal information, ask us to restrict processing of your personal information or request portability of your personal information;
  3. You may have the right not to have a decision made about you that is based solely on automated processing, including profiling if that decision produces legal effects about you or significantly affects you. Honeywell does not, as part of this processing activity, make solely automated decisions about you.
  4. Similarly, if we have collected and process your personal information with your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent; and
  5. You have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal information.
To exercise any of your rights relating to your personal information, please contact us through HR Help, or the data subject request form found at or send an email to
Contact Us

If you have any question or complaints about how your personal information is processed or wish to exercise your rights, please contact: (only if you already are a Honeywell employee) or our Data Protection Officer at