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Join the Aviation Revolution: Unleashing Innovation with Unmanned Aircraft and AI!

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Michal Závišek's Flight to Success: From Flight Systems Engineer to Top CEO Recognition!

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Your thoughts will fly around the world: We are looking for the best minds for Research and Development.

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Pioneering Sustainable Aviation: Our Technological Initiatives for a Greener Future

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Michal Závišek: Naše
​​​​​​​mění svět,
přímo z Brna
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Unveiling Innovation:
Award-Winning Fall Arresters Transforming Safety Worldwide!   

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Not even the sky's the limit: Join the Aviation Revolution with our Innovation Hub!

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Elevating Aero Research: Collaboration with Czech Technical University

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Launch Your STEM Success: Unleash Your Brilliance with the SHE STEM  Award 2023!

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Kariéra Futureshaper

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